2022 MAK Sustainable Developers
Building with wood:
Excellent building material:
Wood scores above conventional concrete and steel. It has a higher strength-to-weight ratio compared to steel and concrete, whereas it is much lighter by volume than both of them. Besides it is easy to work with and is very adaptable on site. It is durable, results in less thermal bridging than its counterparts and easily incorporates prefabricated elements. Its structural performance is very high and its compressive strength is similar to that of concrete.
Flexibility in design:
Given the variety of lumber products and dimensions available (including 2x4 and 2x6 stud walls, post and beam and laminated timber), wood offers excellent flexibility in architectural design.
Excellent insulator:
Wood is a great insulator of heat and cold – 15 times better than concrete, 400 times better than steel and 1,770 times better than aluminium.
Biophilic properties of wood
As health and wellness gain precedence, many architects/designers, real estate developers and industry professionals in India are rediscovering wood for its beauty, benefits, and ease of working. They are increasingly looking at building homes, workspaces, hospitals and more with wood in addition to emphasis on its use in re-man applications.
Research has shown that wood directly contributes in a person’s wellbeing.
Benefits for human health and well-being:
Biophilic properties:
Using an approach known as ‘evidence-based design’ (in which detailed analysis of occupant responses to a building’s physical characteristics are used to influence the design of future projects), healthcare architects have begun to explore the physiological benefits of biophilia in the design of indoor environments. It has been found that wood, in particular, is visually warm, reduces stress and promotes health in building occupants.
Humidity controller:
Among the physical requirements for human health, wood contributes naturally to humidity control by absorbing moisture from the air when the humidity level in space is high, and releasing it when the humidity level is low. Wood products and finishes can also contribute to the control of airborne contaminants as they are durable, easily maintained, dust-free after installation and emit few if any, harmful vapours.
Benefits to environment
Stores carbon:
Trees and wood have the unique ability to store atmospheric carbon and release oxygen. As the trees grow, they absorb CO2 (carbon dioxide). When 2 trees are sustainably harvested and wood is used for making wood products, the carbon remains stored in the wood for the lifetime of the product. Thus, it is the only building material to tackle climate change.
Renewable and sustainable resource:
Responsibly sourced wood is renewable. For sustainably sourced wood the cycle continues as forest regrows i.e. CO2 absorption, oxygen generation and growth of forest habitat.